Quiet the Food Noise: How to Stop Constant Cravings & Food Thoughts
Are you constantly thinking about food—whether you’re hungry or not?
You’re not alone.
Many of the women I work with describe feeling overwhelmed by food thoughts that drain their mental energy, focus, and clarity.
It can even feel like “food noise” is the biggest thing preventing you from breaking unwanted eating habits or losing weight.
It feels like it would be easy to eat in a more balanced way and feel more successful and energized, if you could just get rid of the excessive cravings and obsessive thoughts about food.
But as you probably know, just telling yourself to think about food less doesn’t work.
Instead, you need to address the reason your mind is so fixated on food in the first place.
Let’s dive into why your mind won’t stop thinking about food—and what you can do to change it.
Why You Think About Food All the Time
Reason 1: You’re following restrictive diets or food rules.
When you’re following a strict diet or food rules, it’s no surprise that you’re constantly thinking about food.
It takes a lot of mental energy to track every calorie or plan your meals so they fit into your Intermittent Fasting schedule.
You also might regularly be thinking about how to deal with unexpected food situations and “temptations,” like:
Resisting the donuts your coworker brought to the meeting
Taking a different route home so you avoid getting hit with the sweet, buttery smells wafting from the new bakery that opened down the street
Remembering to check the menu in advance for a low-calorie dinner option before heading out with friends
All of this constant vigilance and self-control required to “stay on track” with your food plan can make food feel like a full-time job.
No wonder it’s mentally consuming you.
The truth?
There’s an easier way to feel “in control” around food without constantly battling cravings, and it’s what I teach in my program, The Delicious Life. (More on this below!)
Reason 2: You’re not eating enough or what you actually want.
When you’re living life a little bit hungry (or, let’s be real, hangry), food quickly becomes an overwhelming, nagging thought in the back of your mind.
This is something I see often with busy women—running on coffee and a protein bar all day, thinking they’re cutting calories, but setting themselves up to overeat at night.
Let me be super clear here.
Going hungry is not an effective healthy eating plan or weight loss strategy.
It’s just one step closer to overeating or a binge.
On the other hand, you might be eating enough calories throughout the day, but not what your body truly craves.
Satisfaction isn’t just physical—it’s psychological.
This is also why it can be a trap to look for “healthy alternatives” to every craving.
This is something I used to do.
I’d try to fulfill a cookie craving with a piece of fruit.
But what happened?
I’d eat the fruit, then 20 almonds, a protein bar, a Greek yogurt, some dark chocolate… because nothing was quite hitting the spot.
Then I’d realize I’d eaten way more than my body was asking for and still feel unsatisfied. 🫠
(And sometimes I’d still end up eating the cookie in the end, too — or 6 cookies.)
Here’s what I wish I’d known:
Satisfaction is the death of desire.
When you eat what genuinely satisfies you, you “kill” the desire for more food.
So if you want to lose those excess cravings and thoughts about food, you have to be regularly eating what you want.
Reason 3: Food is the only source of fun or relaxation in your day.
As a high-achieving woman, your life is likely packed with work, family obligations, and never-ending to-do lists. You’re always getting things done and checking off boxes.
When everything in your life is about productivity, you miss out on simple pleasures and relaxation.
Your brain starts turning to food as the only way to “reward” or “relax” because it’s quick and accessible.
I believe food should be fun and pleasurable—but not the only fun or pleasurable thing in your life.
When food becomes the only thing you look forward to, that’s when food noise takes over.
How to Start Quieting the Food Noise
Now that we’ve looked at what causes food noise, let’s get practical about what you can do to get rid of it.
Tip 1: Give Up the Diet Rules
Diet rules might seem helpful at first, but you’ve probably already experienced how they can just make you feel more out of control around food.
In The Delicious Life coaching program, I teach my clients how to eat from the inside out, rather than following external diet rules.
This means becoming a master at listening to your body’s signals, cravings, and cues, so that you have clarity about what and how much to eat without feeling restricted or deprived.
With this approach, you don’t have to constantly plan, count, and track.
You get to eat when you’re hungry, feel satisfied, and move on to other things–and literally not have a thought about food for hours.
Tip 2: Eat for Satisfaction
If you’re skipping meals or not eating what you truly want, you’re setting yourself up for food obsession.
Eating for satisfaction isn’t just about eating enough—it’s about eating things that genuinely satisfy you.
If the thought of allowing yourself to eat what you crave feels scary, don’t worry—I’m here to guide you through this process.
Like anything, listening to your body is a skill!
Coaching can make mastering this skill much smoother.
Tip 3: Make Time for Fun—Beyond Food
I help all of my clients start by looking for other ways to bring fun and relaxation into their lives.
The one thing I do with all of my clients right from the get-go is start looking at ways to bring more fun and relaxation into their lives.
When your day is consumed with work, responsibilities, and trying to lose weight, it’s easy to forget about things that bring you joy—things that have nothing to do with food.
When your life revolves around work, taking care of others, and trying to lose weight, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s fun and enjoyable just for you.
And when food has become your only form of relaxation or enjoyment, cravings for “fun” foods like chips or ice cream are bound to arise.
The solution?
You need more things to look forward to that feel just as delicious, fun, and comforting as those indulgent foods.
This can take a little creativity, which is another way coaching can help.
Together, we’ll come up with weaving enjoyable activities you look forward to into your life—so food stops being your only source of pleasure.
What Worked For Me Can Work For You, Too
I used to think about food all day long, battling cravings and constantly trying to control what I ate.
But I always ended up falling off track eventually.
The solution? Changing my approach to food.
When you shift:
Your mindset about food
Your habits around food
How you nourish and satisfy yourself beyond food
…food literally becomes a no-brainer.
You can enjoy it, feel great, and then move on to focus on the things that truly matter to you—without constantly thinking about food.
If breaking free from food noise and unwanted eating habits like overeating or emotional eating is a priority for you, I’m ready to help you get the results you want.
📲 DM me the word “delicious” on Instagram.
💌 Or send me an email to connect and learn how I can help you.